In a world of intelligent machines and constant connectivity, we aspire to cultivate more HUMAN individuals, guiding them on a journey of self-discovery.

No one said that growing up is easy; some children will encounter obstacles that can hinder their learning, such as dyslexia, social development issues like ADHD, or emotional struggles like depression.


Our mission is to light their path, identify early signals, and provide guidance for them to grow with resilience.

We want every child to shine to their full potential and no one to be left behind.

Our commitment is to reach every country .Over 25,000 children can already attest to it.

Our Values


We are capable of adapting and persevering continuously, guided by honesty and a strong work ethic


We do it with passion and generosity, inspiring by example. We are pure vocation.


With the well-being of children and young people. Because the better they are, the better we will all fare in the future.


We are a group of professionals from diverse fields united by a common goal: bringing out the best in children during their school years.


Elena Betés Novoa


A serial entrepreneur with significant successes such as Rastreator.com and lessons learned from failures, she has built an empathetic and ambitious leadership with the goal of changing the world.


Alberto Ramirez


Passionate about technology and innovation in any field, especially in the educational and pedagogical sector, Alberto champions everything related to improving processes for the benefit of society and the individual.

President of the Giorgeta Group

Alina Giorgeta


Alina Giorgeta is an entrepreneur with a constant educational vocation. In 1980 he took charge of the Giorgeta nursery school. Her perseverance to place early childhood education in its rightful place led his center to become a benchmark in Valencia, doing the same with its middle and higher vocational training centers.

Pedagogical Director at Dino School

Paola De la Cruz


A specialist in respectful parenting, Paola is a reference in educational innovation. Her advocacy for the natural and unique development of children has led her to receive several awards for her role as a teacher.

Pedagogical Director

Nuria Ros


Nuria is the pedagogical director accompanying the Dide schools in their implementations. Her more than thirty years of experience in educational psychology make her ideally suited to supervise the scientific validations of the Dide tool.

Pedagogical Coordinator

Eva Vives


Psychopedagogist, educational consultant, with more than 20 years of experience as a teacher in the classroom, she is one of the best professionals to be able to present the dide tool to other teachers, empathizing perfectly with their work inside and outside the classroom.

Entrepreneur in education and nutrition

Javier Cervera


Dedicated body and soul to the nutritional-educational sector for more than fifteen years, his mission is to make visible the importance of good nutrition in education.

Degree in English Philology from the UCM.

Aurea Gonzalez


Educational director with more than 30 years of experience. Expert in positive psychology, innovation and educational management, excelling in the design of international projects for educational centers, implementation of ISO Standards and transformational leadership in educational organizations.

Full Stack Developer

Adán Ripoll


Although he may seem very young, the person in charge of making Dide.app work properly has more than enough experience as a programmer. Adan manages the app and web development team.

Communications Director

Angel Andreo


Dide’s spokesperson to the media, with twenty-five years of experience leading communication projects at the national and international levels, especially in the consumer, institutional, technological, and educational sectors. He currently teaches postgraduate courses at San Pablo CEU and Alcalá de Henares.


Manuel Antonio


An expert in learning and behavior (ADHD, autism, maturational delay), Manuel is director of the INANP Center, writer, physician mentor and digital health expert.

Master in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy

Sandra Rodriguez


As a therapist for children and adolescents for twenty years, she has found in emotional education the approach where her professional passion converges: school psychoeducation and work with families.

Global Account Director en Huawei Technologies

Pedro González


Le apasiona liderar y mejorar la relación con los clientes tanto globales como locales, y crear nuevas oportunidades comerciales a lo largo y ancho de diferentes países.

Abogado y mediador educativo

Ricardo Lombardero


Incansable defensor de la protección a menores ante los diversos tipos de violencia, Ricardo es nuestro experto en derecho de la infancia y adolescencia.

Doctor en sociología de la educación

Víctor Soler


Desde el campo de la educación y la sociología, Víctor ejerce como profesor e investigador en Florida Universitaria, formando a futuros maestros de Educación Infantil y Primaria, y participando en proyectos internacionales.

Directora de escuela

Anabel Raymond


Su máxima es crear un ambiente de armonía donde los valores éticos de respeto, honestidad, justicia, prudencia, generosidad, responsabilidad, perseverancia y autogobierno sean un modelo de vida para alumnos y profesores.

Director internacional en Grupo MOL

Ángel Hidalgo


Es un gran aficionado a la filosofía de Internet y al software libre. Su cometido principal es construir y desarrollar negocios disruptivos para transformar las industrias tradicionales a través de la innovación digital.

Maestra y doctoranda en Educación

Charito Távara


Entregada a la educación inclusiva de calidad y sin barreras, para Charito la cultura inclusiva es clave e indispensable para desarrollar un modelo verdaderamente equitativo.

Propietaria y directora de escuela

Blanca Iglesias


Su International School of Querétaro se convirtió en la primera escuela en el Estado de Querétaro en ser reconocida por la UNESCO.

Delegada comercial en educación y nutrición

Evangelina González


Desde hace décadas, disfruta buscando la excelencia comercial en el sector de la restauración colectiva en centros educativos. Le gustan los nuevos retos y rodearse de grandes profesionales.

Directora general de Rastreator

Pilar García


Apasionada de las nuevas tecnologías, cree en la digitalización como herramienta para mejorar y superar obstáculos. Pilar se afianza en los valores fundamentales de la cooperación para desarrollar conocimientos y ampliar habilidades.

Psicóloga y directora en Centro Orienta

Mercedes Celedón


Experta en Desarrollo Organizacional Escolar y Selección de Profesores, Mercedes ha creado una serie de investigaciones llamada Censo Docente, en la cual más de 17.000 profesores comparten enfoques sobre temas educativos.

more TEAM

Endorsements, collaborations and partnerships

Horizon 2020

European Community seal of excellence to the Dide project for its social impact.

Ministry of the Interior and Agenda 2030

Validation by the High Commissioner of the 2030 Agenda for Dide's impact on 11 Sustainable Development Goals.

Google for education

We are partners of Google for education in Spain, we are united by the desire to work on diversity in the classroom and give visibility to the performance of teachers with technological tools.

Norbert Wiener University

Scientific validation of Dide markers that detect barriers to learning.


The Ministry of Education includes Dide in the Program for Educational Guidance, Advancement and Enrichment.


Financial support and advice to Dide from the Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial (Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness).


Co-financing for the technological, educational and pedagogical development of the Dide tool.


Co-financing to implement Dide
as a method of educational innovation